Here at ICBND, we have committees to help plan and evaluate all of our programs, events, membership benefits, and governance. If you are interested in serving on one of these committees, please contact us.
Agricultural Committee
This committee monitors state and federal farm issues, regulations, legislation, and advocates for proposals that benefiit the members of the association and their customers. This committee will also serve as an advisory committee to the ICBND Agriculture Lending School.
Chairman: Deb Clarys
Vice Chairman: Darwin Bitz
Board Liaison: Chad Aberle
Blue Ribbon-Nominating Committee
This committee consists of all Past Presidents and Chairmen who are still active bankers and whose banks are members of ICBND. This committee serves as a study group to evaluate the association’s legislative role, its role as a provider of services to member banks, and its organizational structure and management structure. The committee then makes recommendations to the Board of Directors. The committee will also nominate candidates for the at-large positions on the Board of Directors and the Chairman Elect and Vice Chairman positions in the association.
Chariman: Dawn Flaten
Vice Chairman: Chad Aberle
Board Liaison: Dawn Flaten
Budget-Personnel Committee
This committee insures an annual budget for ICBND. Each of its subsidiaries is prepared and submitted to the ICBND Board of Directors. They will also review and recommend any changes to the personnel policies and benefits offered to the ICBND staff and present to the Board of Directors annually.
Chairman: Brad Streifel
Vice Chairman: Jason Johnson
Board Liaison: Brad Streifel
Communications-Marketing Committee
This committee will solicit, receive, discuss, review, and develop general concepts, guidelines, and themes for membership and potential membership mailings and publications. This committee also manages ICBND’s advertising and public relations programs, and oversees the ICBND website and The Community Banker newsletter.
Chairman: Laura Sandberg
Vice Chairman: Jordan Nelson
Board Liaison: Charlotte Aldinger
Convention Committee
This committee is responsible for planning and supervising our Annual Convention and Exposition.
Chairman: Missy Feist-Erickson
Vice Chairman: Jenna Fleck
Board Liaison: Dawn Flaten
Education Committee
This committee surveys, recommends, evaluates, and supervises educational activities of the association.
Chairman: Tina Lemi
Vice Chairman: Jenna Fleck
Board Liaison: Jason Johnson
Emerging Leaders Committee
This committee is responsible for the planning and supervision of the Emerging Leaders Development Program annual sessions and for its curriculum.
Chairman: Mandy Gienger
Vice Chairman: Missy Feist-Erickson
Board Liaison: Charlotte Aldinger
Legislative Committee
This committee is concerned with legislation and regulations—both state and federal—regarding independent banks, and shall make recommendations to the Board of Directors. This committee may take action on such existing or proposed laws as may affect the interests of the association’s membership.
Chairman: Charlotte Aldinger
Vice Chairman: Sarah Getzlaff
Board Liaison: Charlotte Aldinger
Member Services Committee
This committee shall search for, evaluate, and make recommendations of vendors for products and services for the benefit of the membership of ICBND to the Board of Directors. They will also review any current vendors for possible endorsement.
Chairman: Dawn Flaten
Vice Chairman: Charlotte Aldinger
Board Liaison: Dawn Flaten
Membership Committee
This committee reviews bank charter membership eligibility and the dues structure for recommendation to the Board of Directors.
Chairman: Jordan Nelson
Vice Chairman: Charlotte Aldinger
Board Liaison: Jordan Nelson
Nominating Committee
This committee nominates candidates for the at large position on the board of directors and the Chairman Elect and Vice Chairman of the association.
Chairman: Brad Streifel
Vice Chairman: Dawn Flaten
Board Liaison: Brad Streifel
PAC Committee
This committee shall oversee the distribution of PAC donations to delegates currently running for state office.
Chairman: Brad Streifel
Vice Chairman: Dawn Flaten
Board Liaison: Brad Streifel
Resolutions and Bylaws Committee
This committee is responsible for reviewing and drafting resolutions and proposed changes to the by-laws. The efforts of this committee shall set forth the direction which the associating follows from convention to convention.
Chairman: Brenda Foster
Vice Chairman: Dawn Flaten
Board Liaison: Brenda Foster