Associate Member Benefits

Become an ICBND Associate Member and we will help you market your company to our members. Here are just some of the benefits to being an ICBND Associate Member:

  • We will help promote your business by referrals to all our bank members 
  • Company description, logo, and contact information listed in the ICBND Associate Member Directory. This directory is distributed and available online for all of our bank members. Our bankers use this directory FIRST when selecting their suppliers and consultants.
  • Discounted advertising rates in our newsletter the Community Banker. This newsletter is electronically sent to over 800 email addresses.
  • Submit articles of industry importance for placement in the Community Banker free of charge.
  • Discounted member rate for all educational offerings which include live sessions and webinars.
  • An exclusive opportunity to exhibit at the annual ICBND Convention and Exposition. 
  • Sponsorship opportunities at the Annual Convention to get your name in front of our attendees even more.
  • Discounted hotel rates through participating hotels.

Eligible to request an exclusive Endorsed Member after 12 months

Annual membership is $700. Membership is in effect for one calendar year and renewals are invoiced in November of each year.

Apply for a membership now. Once we receive your completed membership application, we will contact your references and forward all information to our Board of Directors for final approval.