New Beginnings


Hello ICBND members and associate members! I have now been your association president for about a month. It has been a truly refreshing experience, albeit a bit overwhelming as it's been over 20 years since I've been directly involved in your industry. To say much has changed in community banking would be quite an understatement! Recent bank visits and attending the Eide Bailly Bankers Seminar have helped to reacquaint me with some old friends, meet lots of bankers, and bring me partially up to speed on the issues affecting our industry.

For those of you that I've had the pleasure to meet, I thank you for the warm welcome. For those I have yet to meet, I look forward to learning more about you and your business. To all of you, I appreciate your confidence in me as your new president. I am committed to furthering the cause of community banking through effective and efficient leadership of ICBND.

So what have I learned in my first few weeks? First, I'm the newest member of a dedicated staff that's sincerely invested in the mission of ICBND. I'm proud to be part of that. Second, I'm energized by my discussions with bankers and remember what I liked best about working at a community bank – being part of the community. Third, I'm reminded again that "one size fits all" regulation doesn't work and generally punishes those that weren't necessarily part of the problem. We need to remain vigilant and vocal particularly as we approach the 64th North Dakota Legislative Assembly and a new look at the federal level following the recent mid-term election.

Last, but certainly not least, I'm thankful to have gotten to work with John Brown during my first month. By the time you read this, John will have officially retired and spent Thanksgiving with family in Colorado en route to Southern California to welcome a new grandchild into the world. How wonderful! John's wealth of banking knowledge and contacts gave me a great head start. Thank you John!

Until next time, I wish you and your families the very best during the holidays!


Endorsed Members